Thursday, March 14, 2013

Giving a Presentation

Ideas group (2010)


Giving a presentation is an important skill and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Presentation is not only in the academic life but also in the future occupation. And it was the first time to give a presentation in English.

 Before beginning my presentation I geared up my talking and my slides. This made me convinced towards what I am going to talk about even though I felt a bit worried.

 At the beginning, I introduced myself and the subject I was going to talk about. This was a good start as my tutor said the limitation of the time I put to my topic is an excellent skill. My speaking was clear and confident with a procedure of general vocabulary. The University of Kent (2013) suggested that the lecturer should speak clearly with confidence as this makes them sound in control. Also, I made my presentations looks professional.

In the end, while it was a new experience for me, I have done my presentation so well, for future I have experience of how giving a presentation feeling like I will not be worried again. With the lecture and the good habit of all the above instructions will make the presentation level improved.


Ideas group (2010) More effort needed to make presentations in the Middle East inspiring [Online]. Available at (Accessed: 14 March 2013).

University of Kent (2013) Tips on Making Presentation. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2013).













Thursday, March 7, 2013 (2013)


The reason why I am studying in the United Kingdom is that my mechanical engineering is very difficult in my home country of Qatar. Some universities have just started to give mechanical engineering. According to Seminara (2012) "I decided to stay here because the business school at Carnegie is one of the top 10 in the world," However, these initial achievements do not seem to be strong enough to persuade students that are hoping to study BEng to apply for lower degree. This forces students that are hoping to study this course to travel abroad to somewhere that offer more prestigious courses.

There is not well-developed mechanical engineering simply because there is no aviation industry in the country neither in the middle-east. The thriving commercial aviation in the middle-east requires huge amount of technicians that keep maintaining aircrafts but not to design new ones BAS (2011) announced that "Our certifying staff and qualified mechanics perform inspections, routine and non-routine checks, snag rectification, cabin maintenance..."


Seminara, D. (2012)
With Its Sprawling Education City, Qatar Aims to Be Knowledge Hub. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2012).
BAS (2011) Aircraft Engineering Services. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2012) (2013) Sample CV – Mechanical Engineer [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 7 March2012).


Thursday, February 28, 2013


Everyone around the world has a famous culture. Many people when hear the world of culture they may mechanically focus about traditions food and art. Moreover, culture can be clear as common designs, behaviours and understanding that people get through socializing. This blog will describe famous traditions in the UK.



Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday will fall on the 12th February this year and marks the beginning of Lent. Traditionally, pancakes became known as a good way to use up milk, eggs and butter and have been eaten on this day for more than 1,000 years. The celebration is to burn a dull the represents the character of Guy Fawkes that his plot is to blow up the house of parliament about 400 years ago. Unfortunately, the plot was foiled when Guy Fawkes was arrested and tortured to death. Since, it became one of the popular traditions in the UK.


Maitland,K. (2013)




One of the strange traditions is that the Pancake. Education Scotland (2013) says that “Pancake Day is the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. It is celebrated throughout the UK by the cooking and eating of pancakes.” I don’t know this day until the English family that I was living with last year served me one.



Education Scotland (2013) Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day). Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013).

Maitland, K. (2013) Pancake Day – flippin’ good fun! [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013).


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Popular sport in the UK

The United Kingdom is so famous in many sport games. When the conversation come about sport, firstly may come across to mind is football that England is so celebrated for. In general, there are many exciting traditional and new sport games that are come-on out all the country. 

Football is one of the most famous sports in the United Kingdom, and it’s the national sport of England where the most famous clubs come from as Manchester United, Manchester cite, South London and Arsenal. The big reason why football is very popular in England more than any other countries in the world is that the game created there, (FIFA, 2013). 

On other hand in Football, there are many other sports as rugby. It will be the next famous game in the UK after football. Here, Wales is the centre of rugby that’s mean the famous national game of Wales. According to Guardian (2003), rugby created in 1823 when the boy 16 year old, William Webb Ellis passed over the rules of Football and take the ball and ran fast with it. From that’s time it became famous and come-on to different parts of the UK. 

FIFA (2013) The History of Football. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2013).

Guardian (2003) A brief history of rugby. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2013).

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Urdu Community in the UK

Urdu society has become one of the largest communities in the United Kingdom. In general, Urdu in Pakistan is the official language, who speaks with more than 100 million people. according to Edwards (2007).

Also became Urdu extra large contributor to the culture of the United Kingdom. Urdu contributed in many subject , including British sports. As reported BBC (2008) stated that "Amir Khan's contribution in British boxing has taken him to the national and global recognition and he was nominated BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2005." And another spreading the culture of food from Pakistan and India is also marked all over the United Kingdom.



BBC (2008) Pakistani London. Available at:   (Accessed: 7 February 2013).

Edwards, V. (2007) Your Voice: Urdu. Available at: (Accessed at: 7 February 2013).

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reporting in the media

- Using academic and formal words such as unfairness.
- Using informal word such as sparkled.

Reporter’s view
- Particular dates and times.
- Proof for the both said.
- Stand-up with both said.
- Was not undecided standpoint.
- Using lots of direct quotations.
- Presentation the police as  corrupt said.

- More wide-ranging details such as the dates and the places.

- using a lot of quotes form the same person.
-Using a large picture.

- Using a medium picture.

Dodd, V. (2012) ‘Mark Duggan shooting: police watchdog's report delayed further’, The Guardian, 23 October [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 January 2013).
Jack. L (2011) Duggan’s gun supply man quality, [Online]. Available at:  (Accessed: 31 January 2013).

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Crime & punishment

Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?
      I prefer the two situation because to be an example for others people.

Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
I prefer both cases because the punishment related to rehabilitation because the punishment will prevent the prisoner from repeating the crime again.

What is the way to deal with juvenile crime such as
The solution is to develop an awareness campaign to stop all these crimes events which impose                                           a large fine naughty prevent youth from doing these things again.
·        Joy-riding?
·        Vandalism?
·        Graffiti?
Is it ever right for political activists to break the law?
Yes sometimes in some situation.
How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?
Fine mode with jail for two weeks with take the car for a specified period.
Buddy.T (2012) it's not safe to drive when you have disbursed any amount of alcohol.

Which is the more serious problem in your country – tax evasion  or social security fraud?
The social security fraud because we don’t have tax evasion in my country.
Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant? 
Yes they can stop anyone because their job to save all the people .
Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways?
To build houses for the homeless to save their life’s.
 Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?
No.Indo. A (2012) “Smoking cannabis not criminal offence: British charity”

References :
Buddy.T (2012) Why You Should Never Drink and Drive. Available at: ( Accessed: 24 january 2013 ).

No.Indo. A (2012) Smoking cannabis not criminal offence: British charity. Available at: ( Accessed: 24 January 2013 ).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

London Riots


London Riots

London Riots 8 college students made problem to sabotage London streets. students burned the shops and stole the expensive diamonds from the jewellery shop, that’s what made Manchester Riots and Birmingham  Riots to support the London Riots. According to the BBC (2011) “Police have condemned a wave of "copycat criminal activity" across London in a second night of looting and disorder following riots in Tottenham.”This is what made the British police intervene quickly sharing with fire fighter.The big reason for this issue was because a police man killed a black man, that what forced the Riots to be as racism.

 Police in riot gear in Enfield, north London, on Sunday night. (Wermuth 2011).

BBC (2011) London riots your reaction. Available at: ( Accessed:  8 August 2011).
 Wermuth,S. (2011) There is a context to London’s riots that can’t be ignored. Available at: (Accessed:8 August 2011).