Thursday, January 24, 2013

Crime & punishment

Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?
      I prefer the two situation because to be an example for others people.

Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
I prefer both cases because the punishment related to rehabilitation because the punishment will prevent the prisoner from repeating the crime again.

What is the way to deal with juvenile crime such as
The solution is to develop an awareness campaign to stop all these crimes events which impose                                           a large fine naughty prevent youth from doing these things again.
·        Joy-riding?
·        Vandalism?
·        Graffiti?
Is it ever right for political activists to break the law?
Yes sometimes in some situation.
How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?
Fine mode with jail for two weeks with take the car for a specified period.
Buddy.T (2012) it's not safe to drive when you have disbursed any amount of alcohol.

Which is the more serious problem in your country – tax evasion  or social security fraud?
The social security fraud because we don’t have tax evasion in my country.
Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant? 
Yes they can stop anyone because their job to save all the people .
Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways?
To build houses for the homeless to save their life’s.
 Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?
No.Indo. A (2012) “Smoking cannabis not criminal offence: British charity”

References :
Buddy.T (2012) Why You Should Never Drink and Drive. Available at: ( Accessed: 24 january 2013 ).

No.Indo. A (2012) Smoking cannabis not criminal offence: British charity. Available at: ( Accessed: 24 January 2013 ).

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