Thursday, January 17, 2013

London Riots


London Riots

London Riots 8 college students made problem to sabotage London streets. students burned the shops and stole the expensive diamonds from the jewellery shop, that’s what made Manchester Riots and Birmingham  Riots to support the London Riots. According to the BBC (2011) “Police have condemned a wave of "copycat criminal activity" across London in a second night of looting and disorder following riots in Tottenham.”This is what made the British police intervene quickly sharing with fire fighter.The big reason for this issue was because a police man killed a black man, that what forced the Riots to be as racism.

 Police in riot gear in Enfield, north London, on Sunday night. (Wermuth 2011).

BBC (2011) London riots your reaction. Available at: ( Accessed:  8 August 2011).
 Wermuth,S. (2011) There is a context to London’s riots that can’t be ignored. Available at: (Accessed:8 August 2011).

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