Thursday, February 14, 2013

Popular sport in the UK

The United Kingdom is so famous in many sport games. When the conversation come about sport, firstly may come across to mind is football that England is so celebrated for. In general, there are many exciting traditional and new sport games that are come-on out all the country. 

Football is one of the most famous sports in the United Kingdom, and it’s the national sport of England where the most famous clubs come from as Manchester United, Manchester cite, South London and Arsenal. The big reason why football is very popular in England more than any other countries in the world is that the game created there, (FIFA, 2013). 

On other hand in Football, there are many other sports as rugby. It will be the next famous game in the UK after football. Here, Wales is the centre of rugby that’s mean the famous national game of Wales. According to Guardian (2003), rugby created in 1823 when the boy 16 year old, William Webb Ellis passed over the rules of Football and take the ball and ran fast with it. From that’s time it became famous and come-on to different parts of the UK. 

FIFA (2013) The History of Football. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2013).

Guardian (2003) A brief history of rugby. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2013).

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