Friday, December 14, 2012


Teamwork is effective idea to become a good employer and more easier to o the work . there are many kinds of teamwork there is in school for example a gourp of student have to share ideas and opinions , there is in hospital  the doctor or the people who have to do operation they have to share opinions and experience and civil engineers have to discuss about how to make the building those are advantage for teamwork .

The Education system in UK

Qatar :

The education of Qatar has 3 level of high schools primary, middle, and the final one is secondary. And a student finish high school he or she can choose if they want to continue studies or work. However, there are nearly 7 universities in Qatar : Qatar university, Taxes university, North altlantk college, Ahmed bin Mohammed collage, …

The UK :

The education of the UK in High school nearly 11 levels, After there is A-Levels for British student which is two years the reason that why British student chooses A-levels is that to continue his or her studies at university. In the UK there is more than 100 universities nearly and a lot of course and it is a good place to study in the UK.

UK Parliament

(Parliament is an essential part of UK politics )

The House of Commons is the lower houses of the Parliament . Here, chose MPs (elected by the "commons", i.e. the people) debate. In modern times, nearly all power resides in this house. In the commons are 659 MPs, as well as a speaker and three deputy speakers.

The House of Lords is the second chamber of UK Parliament. The House of Lords is independent from, and complements the work of, the House of Commons; the Lords share responsibility for making laws and checking government action. Bills can be introduced into either the House of Lords or the House of Commons and members of the Lords may also take on roles as Government Ministers. House of Lords select committees investigate public policy, proposed laws and government activity. The Committee Office provides the House of Lords select committees with procedural and legal advice and administrative support.

The Welsh Assembly.

The Welsh Assembly.

1. Who designed the building

The building was designed by  by Richard Rogers, including ( first minister's questions).

2. When was it opened and by whom?
It was opened by Queen Eliszabeth II on St. David's day, 1 March 2006 .

3. What materials were used?
The materials were used by wood from Canada, Wales Oak. 

What is particularly special about the building?
The building has dart heat on floor, there are a storage for rain and it is used for toilets 

Welsh Parliament

I have learned how they have designed the buliding. 
And How they made the building as environmental friendly for example it saves the rain, no light there or few electric and the water in toilets from the storage the rain. and the design of the building was amazing. It is good for Wales people to have parliament to discuss about problem and how to solve it .

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Four British Nations

The Four British Nations

The Four British Nations is (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).


The capital is Cardiff, the size of the area is 20,779, the number of population estimate 2010 is 3.0 million the popular foods are pork, cary 

    The capital of England is London , the area size is 130,395, and the population 2010 estimate is 51.6 million.

    Scotland is one of four constituent nations of UK.The official language is English, although Gaelic is spoken, primarily in the North and West of Scotland. For your information, the local date and time are available in Gaelic. The Scots language (which has many similarities to English, but also draws on French and Gaelic) is also spoken. Whereas Gaelic is the language of the Highlands & Islands, Scots is the language of the Lowlands.  
    The national flower is the thistle, although the heather which covers significant moorland areas is also closely associated with the country, providing peat for the fire and, along with lichens, dyes for tartan. Both are illustrated to the right.

    Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering 5,459 square miles (14,139 km²), about a sixth of the island's total area.
    Northern Ireland is the second most sparsely populated part of the UK after Scotland, with 317 people per square mile (122 per square kilometre).

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    hiii everyone

    this is khalifa i'm from qatar nice too meet u all ..
    good  luck to everyone ..
    have a nice year with u ..